Roald Dahl Plass
Roald Dahl Plass - named after the Cardiff-born writer - is built on the former Oval Basin, the entrance to West Bute Dock which turned Cardiff into a major coal port in 1839. It went into decline after the Second World War, and then as part of the urban regeneration and was filled in, becoming the public area it is today. The 70ft high stainless steel water tower was erected at the north end in 2000, and the opened in November 2004.
How to get here:
Rail: Cardiff Bay Station - Exit the station onto Lloyd George Avenue, and head south to the Plass. (0.2 miles, 5m) +
Bus: Cardiff Bus Map - Take route 8 to the Plass. +
Access: publicStatus: recognisableWater Tower
Boom Town
Filmed: 1-2,8,15 Feb 2005
The rift funnels out through the TARDIS.
Filmed: 21 Feb 2007
The TARDIS materialises at the rift.
Kiss Kiss Bang bang
Filmed: 21 Feb 2007
At the Hub
»Photograph taken: 6th September 2009 by Chuck Foster
"Strawberries ahoy! These are left over from the Eisteddfod - they were removed a couple of days later!"
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Gwen wonders where the Torchwood team have gone.
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Filmed: 2007
Gwen takes Rhys into Torchwood.
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Jack rises between Suzie and Gwen
Kiss Kiss Bang bang
Filmed: 2007
Jack takes John into the Hub by the scenic route
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Gwen walks up to the water tower, wondering what she's looking for
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Gwen spies the silhouette of Suzie by the water tower
Something Borrowed
Filmed: 2006
Torchwood head off to Gwen's wedding
Boom Town
Filmed: 2005
The team discuss what to do.
Filmed: 2007
Jack runs for the TARDIS.
Filmed: 2006
Torchwood return from their outing
A Day In The Death
Filmed: 21 Aug 2007
Martha leaves Torchwood for home.
Something Borrowed
Filmed: 2007
Jack waits for the SUV.
Access: publicStatus: recognisableMillennium Centre
Boom Town
Filmed: 2005
The TARDIS dematerialises from Cardiff.
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Gwen returns to the water tower..
Filmed: 1 Mar 2007
The TARDIS in Cardiff.
Filmed: 2007
Gwen takes Rhys to Torchwood
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Gwen makes her way back to the watertower
Vincent and the Doctor
Filmed: 6 Jan 2010
The Doctor takes Vincent to the exhibition
Vincent and the Doctor
Filmed: 6 Jan 2010
Amy rushes back to the exhibition
Greeks Bearing Gifts
Filmed: 2006
Jack discusses Mary with Tosh.
Children of Earth - Day One
Filmed: 8 Sep 2008
Gwen "interviews" Rupesh, then sees a child freezing
Last of the TIme Lords
Filmed: 21 Feb 2007
The Doctor deactivates Jack's vortex manipulator.
Access: publicStatus: recognisableNear Pierhead Building
Last of the TIme Lords
Filmed: 21 Feb 2007
The Doctor, Martha and Jack look out over the square.
Children of Earth - Day One
Filmed: 8 Sep 2008
The team check out the frozen children.
Children of Earth - Day One
Filmed: 8 Sep 2008
The team check out the frozen children.
Children of Earth - Day One
Filmed: 8 Sep 2008
Jack and Ianto arrive at the children.
Last of the TIme Lords
Filmed: 21 Feb 2007
The Doctor, Martha and Jack back at the Hub
The New World
Filmed: 1 Feb 2011
Back at old haunts ...
The New World
Filmed: 1 Feb 2011
Jack reveals he has become mortal ...
Access: publicStatus: recognisableSouthern End
Boom Town
Filmed: 2005
Rose runs back to the TARDIS.
Day One
Filmed: 2006
Gwen hunts for Carys.
Children of Earth - Day Two
Filmed: 5-8 Oct 2008
Gwen recovers from the explosion
Boom Town
Filmed: 2005
The Doctor and Margaret head for the TARDIS.
Day One
Filmed: 2006
Gwen searches for Carys.
Children of Earth - Day Two
Filmed: 8 Oct 2009
The Hub has been destroyed!
Access: publicStatus: recognisableNorthern End
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Gwen pulls up at the square behind Torchwood
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2006
Andy takes Gwen home, neither realising they are being watches ...
Children of Earth - Day One
Filmed: 8 Sep 2008
Rupesh is seen on CCTV lurking outside the Hub
Everything Changes
Filmed: 2005
Gwen at the Hub
Where to walk to next?
Wales Millennium Centre (New Earth, The Sound of Drums, Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4/5, , ). Enter the Millennium Centre through its main doors. (0.1 miles, 1m)
Mermaid Quayside (Boom Town, Everything Changes, Day One, Cyberwoman, Meat, A Day in the Death, Fragments, Children of Earth: Day One). Head south through the square and under the bridge to the quayside. (0.1 miles, 1m)
Red Dragon Centre (The Warriors of Kudlak). Head north from the square, and then cross the main road at the lights and walk to the Red Dragon Centre in front. (0.1 miles, 2m)
Additional locations as the crow flies:
Pearl of the Orient (Out of Time): 0.05 miles.
Pierhead Street (Day One, Children of Earth: Day One, Children of Earth: Day Two): 0.06 miles.
Bellinis (restaurant) (Boom Town): 0.07 miles.
Eddie's Diner (The Impossible Astronaut, Doctor Who Series 9 Filming): 0.07 miles.
Ba Orient (restaurant and bar) (New Earth, Cyberwoman): 0.08 miles.
Filming Reports:
13 Mar 2014: Album - filming for .
6 Jan 2010: Sliver Cloak Album - filming for .
BBC Wales Doctor Who Sightings - Darren Warburton took this photo as he rode his bike through Cardiff Bay and spotted the Tardis: "My first reaction was fear, followed by delight." ()
21 Feb 2007: Flickr: Viola Jen - Photos from filming for
16 Aug 2007: Scott Frankton - filming photos for
21 Aug 2007: "Josie" and "Sue" - filming report for Torchwood Season Two
25 Oct 2007: Flickr: Cle0patra - Photos from filming for
1 Mar 2007: Flickr: The Cardiff Kid - TARDIS building, for /
8 Sep 2008: Kinda - filming report for .
6 Oct 2008: Kinda - filming report for .
6 Oct 2008: Paul Mount - blog and videos for .
7 Oct 2008: Kinda - filming report for .
7 Oct 2008: Paul Mount - blog and videos for .
8 Oct 2008: Kinda - filming report for .
8 Oct 2008: YouTube: taliesin142008 - video of filming for .
In the News:
9 Feb 2004: South Wales Echo: WHO could that be rushing around Cardiff Bay? Surely not a Time Lord with the ability to turn back the clock? As the Echo's exclusive pictures reveal, the new Doctor Who, his beautiful sidekick Rosie Tyler, and the timeless Tardis have landed in Cardiff Bay. Our photographer was on scene as the hottest duo in TV - Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper - appeared briefly in the sunlight outside the Wales Millennium Centre. The new series, which has been filming since July, airs later this year and the BBC has hinted the first episode may even be on screen by March. (originally an online article, the link no longer works)
7 Jan 2010: South Wales Echo - "New Doctor braves the cold to film show's latest episodes"
7 Jan 2010: The Mirror - "Who snows there?"
7 Jan 2010: The Mirror - "New Doctor Who Matt Smith hails 'sexy' mini-skirt of new assistant Karen Gillan"
7 Jan 2010: The Sun - "Doc's ice filming is Card-iffy"
7 Jan 2010: Digital Spy - "Doctor Who filming unaffected by snow"
6 Jan 2010: The Telegraph - "New Doctor Who Matt Smith lands in snow"
6 Jan 2010: South Wales Evening Post - "Snow fails to stop filming for new Doctor Who series"
9 Sep 2008: The Sun - "Torchwood you believe it, John?" (filming report for .)
9 Oct 2008: The Sun - "Torchedwood" (filming report for .)
13 Oct 2008: The Sun - "Wood Shot!" (filming report on Eve Myles for .)
Further links about the location:
BBC Wales - Roald Dahl Plass
Related Stories
Boom Town [1-2,8,15 Feb 2005]: The TARDIS lands over the rift.
Everything Changes [2006]: Outside Torchwood
Day One [2006]: Gwen chases after Carys
Cyberwoman [2006]: The Torchwood team head off after work.
Greeks Bearing Gifts [2006]: Jack and Tosh discuss what happened.
Utopia [1 Mar 2007]: Rift site in Cardiff
Last of the Time Lords [21 Feb 2007]: The Doctor and Martha say goodbye to Jack.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang [21 Jul 2007]: Jack takes John into the Torchwood base by the "tourist" route!
Meat [3 Jul 2007]: Rhys watches Gwen walk with Jack.
A Day in the Death [21 Aug 2007]: Martha says goodbye to the Torchwood team.
Something Borrowed [25 Oct 2007]: The team leave for the wedding.
Children of Earth: Day One [8 Sep 2008]: Strange happenings at the Bay
Children of Earth: Day Two [6-9 Oct 2008]: Aftermath of the explosion
Vincent and the Doctor [6 Jan 2010]: The TARDIS lands outside the Musee d'Orsay
The New World [1 Feb 2011]: Rex executes his rendition on Torchwood
Information, downloads, photographs and other media are provided for reference and for personal use only (planning visits etc.) - they remain the copyright of their respective authors and may not be duplicated on any other website or media without prior permission.
All screen captures are the copyright of the BBC and appear here as reference to illustrate the location in comparison with how it looked at the time of filming and the present day; no attempt is made to supercede this or any other copyright.
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