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Filming at for , 6th March 2010
Ryan Farrell: Episode 7 filming:
- Rory/Arthur was on set
- Karen was on set - pregnant but different clothes to the last time we saw her
- Lots of old people. Including the west Indian guy and Santa. Santa actually asked us for directions to upper boat, and as Gareth told him, Karen ran to her car! I managed to video her car leaving, and Arthur's, but the windows were blacked out. All the old people waved at us though.
There was a posh guy in a black wool trench coat and a suit, having continuity photos taken, like of his hair/watch etc.
A crew member was walking with a huge chef's knife, that looked a bit fake so i'm sure it was a prop. He also walked with it whilst swinging his arms so I doubt it was real.
There were two black women there, who I'm pretty sure were extras at the football match yesterday.
There were a few kids there. Thy arrived and were therefor about an hour, then they left. Set visit we think, maybe nephews/neices/children of crew members
A scene was filmed in a poshly set up room at the back, very well lit. Same sort of house/building as the other day with the old people. I'd hazard a guess and say that this is supposed to be an old folks home. It had an old fashioned sort of table lamp, and some paintings on the wall.

Taken: 6 Mar 2010
By: Ryan Farrell

Taken: 6 Mar 2010
By: Ryan Farrell
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