Tredegar House
Newport, NP10 8YW
Tredegar House is a 17th Century mansion built upon a 15th Century manor house set in some 90 acres of parkland, and was home to the Morgans, a very influential family in Welsh life. The house was finally sold by the family in 1951 and became a school, and eventually became a council property. The house is open to the public for tours during the summer months.
Tredegar House often run themed events, and are currently considering a Doctor Who tour through parts of the building that are not normally open to visitors. This will hopefully include the attics and cellars.
Admission: In 2008, £6.05 for the house tour
How to get here:
Walk: Head out of the shop into the yard, then through the Large Barn; then head through the gates to the other barns. Go through the gate to the gardens, and the entrance to the house for the tour is on the left. +
Special note for photography: Due to copyright material on show in rooms, photography is not normally allowed except where permission has been given by a tour guide.
Access: tourStatus: recognisableKitchen
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
Miss Chandrakala realises what Professor Peach was up to and heads off to
tell Lady Eddison.
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Doctor runs into the kitchen in search of ingredients to stop the poison.
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The cook is preparing food as the Doctor rushes in.
Access: tourStatus: recognisableCourtyard
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 15-17 Apr 2008
Jackson Lake encourages everybody to cheer the Doctor.
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 15-17 Apr 2008
Jackson Lake encourages everybody to cheer the Doctor.
Access: privateStatus: recognisableOffice
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
Professor Peach is confronted by ... something!
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Doctor checks out the body of Professor Peach in the library.
Additional Notes:
The office is not normally part of the Tredegar House tours.
Access: tourStatus: recognisable"Arch" Stairs
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Wasp appears in front of the Doctor.
Access: tourStatus: recognisableGates
The Girl in the Fireplace
Filmed: 12 Oct 2005
Reinette's funeral procession leaves the palace.
Access: tourStatus: recognisableThe Cow Bathroom
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
Miss Redmond checks her gun in the bathroom.
Additional Notes:
Originally the Master's private study, this room was converted into a 'high-tech' bathroom by Godfrey Morgan in 1905. It is called the Cow Bathroom because of the collection of cow ornaments on display.
Access: tourStatus: recognisableBack Passage
Human Nature
Filmed: 11 Dec 2006
Smith drops his books in the corridor and Joan helps him.
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
The girl creeps along the corridor.
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Doctor chases after the Wasp.
Human Nature
Filmed: 11 Dec 2006
Smith and Joan chat in the corridor.
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
The girl approaches Tim in the corridor.
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
Everyone pokes their heads out of their rooms at the Doctor's shout!
Dining Room
Tooth and Claw
Filmed: 2007
Tooth and Claw
Filmed: 2007
Tooth and Claw
Filmed: 2007
Tooth and Claw
Filmed: 2007
Tooth and Claw
Filmed: 2007
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
The Unicorn and The Wasp
Filmed: 2007
Additional Notes:
The Dining Room was originally known as The New Parlour, to distinguish it from the one in the original stone house. It was a private dining room for the family, but became more generally used when the 'guest' dining in the Brown Room became the drawing room.
Unfortunately though it is on the tour, the dining room is one of those rooms in which photography is not allowed due to many items being on loan.
The dining table in this room is the one actually used in The Unicorn and the Wasp - as it was larger than the one originally here the production team kindly left it for the house!
The room was used as the library in Tooth and Claw (not the dining room, that's at Llansannor!); though the room was cleared, the paintings remained, so you can see the bottom of the painting above the fireplace in Tooth and Claw which is the same one the wasp is in front of in Unicorn and the Wasp.
The "dome" in Tooth and Claw is CGI - this room is actually on the ground floor!
The Gilt Room
The Girl in the Fireplace
Filmed: 2007
The Girl in the Fireplace
Filmed: 2007
The Girl in the Fireplace
Filmed: 2007
Additional Notes:
The Gilt Room was designed to be the climax to the sequence of rooms guests would visit before bed after dinner to give them a lasting impression.
Another room in which photography wasn't allowed on the tour.
The Bell Hall
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 2007
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 2007
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 2007
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 2007
Additional Notes:
Chuck Foster: This corridor is on the tour, but I didn't realise it at the time!
Rooms not on the tour
New Earth
Filmed: 19,21-22 Sep 2005
New Earth
Filmed: 19,21-22 Sep 2005
New Earth
Filmed: 19,21-22 Sep 2005
New Earth
Filmed: 19,21-22 Sep 2005
New Earth
Filmed: 19,21-22 Sep 2005
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 14-16 Apr 2008
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 14-16 Apr 2008
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 14-16 Apr 2008
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 14-16 Apr 2008
The Next Doctor
Filmed: 14-16 Apr 2008
Human Nature
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
Human Nature
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
Human Nature
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
Human Nature
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
The Family of Blood
Filmed: 6 Dec 2006
Where to walk to next?
Tredegar House (Stables) (Something Borrowed, The Next Doctor). Walk around the outside of the house, then turn left as you come through the gate and the stables are on the left as you walk to the far gate.
Tredegar House (Barns) (The Next Doctor). Walk around the outside of the house and then through the gate to the barns.
Central Point for more locations
Tredegar House (The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, Tooth and Claw, The Girl in the Fireplace, Army of Ghosts, Cyberwoman, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Something Borrowed, The Unicorn and The Wasp, The Next Doctor, Doctor Who Series Six, The Woman Who Lived, The End of Time). No route recorded to this location.
Further links about the location:
Newport Council - Tredegar House
Related Stories
The Christmas Invasion [22 Jul 2005]: Harriet Jones makes a plea for the Doctor on television
New Earth [19,21-22 Sep 2005]: Cassandra's Lair
Tooth and Claw [7,10-12 Oct 2005]: Sir Robert's House (kitchen/study/library)
The Girl in the Fireplace [12 Oct 2005]: Reinette's studio, and where the Funeral Procession leaves.
Army of Ghosts [16 Nov 2005]: Derek Acorah speaks about the ghosts
Cyberwoman [2006] (basement): The Cyberconversion chamber deep within Torchwood base.
Human Nature [6,11 Dec 2006]: The school
The Family of Blood [6,11 Dec 2006]: The school
The Unicorn and The Wasp [13-15 Aug 2007]: The Edison Manor (inc. kitchen)
The Next Doctor [16-17,25 Apr 2008]: The "Doctor"'s base, and "TARDIS" courtyard
The Impossible Astronaut [12 Oct 2010]: The Doctor is found beneath the skirt ...
Information, downloads, photographs and other media are provided for reference and for personal use only (planning visits etc.) - they remain the copyright of their respective authors and may not be duplicated on any other website or media without prior permission.
All screen captures are the copyright of the BBC and appear here as reference to illustrate the location in comparison with how it looked at the time of filming and the present day; no attempt is made to supercede this or any other copyright.
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