Last Alteration: Sunday 18 May 2014

Wood Norton Hall

GPS Coordinates

52°07'11"-01°58'28" show decimal

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Wood Norton Hall
Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 4WN

Wood Norton Hall and its estate dates back to medieval times, and was the last home in England for the later king of France, Duc d'Orleans. During its life it has also been a private school before the BBC bought the estate in April 1939 to provide an emergency broadcasting centre away from London in case of war.

When the Second World War did break out a few months later, the centre evolved into one of the largest broadcasting centres in Europe, and also provided a monitoring station for foreigh broadcasts. After the war the site became an engineering training centre.

31 Oct 2010: The Hall itself was sold off by the BBC in 2000 and was converted into a privately run hotel and conference centre. However, the hotel closed in early 2010 after financial problems, and the site is currently expected to become a retirement home.

How to get here:


Road: A44 - The Hall is off the A44, between Wood Norton and Chadbury/Twyford, a little west from Evesham. +

Parking Details

hotel car park


Access: visitorStatus: recognisableBalcony


«prev photo next photo»Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Spearhead from Space (2)
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Filmed: 14 Oct 1969
The Brigadier and Munroe in discussion.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah sneaks back into the Bunker.



Access: visitorStatus: recognisableBack of House


«prev photo next photo»Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

"The angle isn't exactly to that on screen, but there was a wedding reception in progress!"

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Jellicoe and Winters prepare to meet Sarah

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Winters takes Sarah to see the workshops.

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Winters and Jellicoe discuss the close escape with the robot.



Access: visitorStatus: recognisableFront


Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
The entrance to Think Tank.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah drives into the estate.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (4)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
A UNIT troop tries to run away from the Robot.



«prev photo next photo»Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

"Most of the huts have now been removed."

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (4)
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
UNIT group to try and stop the Robot.



Access: visitorStatus: recognisablePear Tree Mews


«prev photo next photo»Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah leaves Kettlewell's to try and find the Robot at Think Tank.

Robot (2)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah arrives back at Kettlewell's to discover the Doctor still there.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (2)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah heads into Kettlewell's



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

"You can still make out the old gate post on the left; the right-hand side is redeveloped"

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah leaves Kettlewell's.

Robot (2)
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
Sarah runs into Kettlewell's.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
UNIT attempt to stop the Robot.



Access: visitorStatus: recognisableCar Park


Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
The Doctor and UNIT arrive at the Bunker.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
The Doctor and Brigadier discuss how to enter the Bunker.



«prev photo next photo»Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
The Doctor and UNIT arrive at the Bunker.

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
The Doctor disables the machine gun post.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
The Robot guards the Bunker entrance.



Photograph taken: 5th September 2009 by Chuck Foster

[view all photos in this album]

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
UNIT under attack in the woods.

Robot (3)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 28 Apr 1974
A UNIT soldier shoots at the Robot, but gets disintegrated.



Access: visitorStatus: recognisableInside


Photograph taken: 31st May 2013 by Chris Berezai

[view all photos in this album]

Spearhead from Space (1)
Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Filmed: 13 Oct 1969
Mullins decides to make a call about the mysterious patient.



Photograph taken: 31st May 2013 by Chris Berezai

[view all photos in this album]

Spearhead from Space (1)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 9 Oct 1969
The Brigadier and Murno discuss security



«prev photo next photo»Photograph taken: 31st May 2013 by Chris Berezai

"Perfectly preserved - but the staff say they daren't turn it on as they have no idea if it would work!"

[view all photos in this album]

Spearhead from Space (2)
Screen Shot
Filmed: 12 Oct 1969
The Doctor uses a shower to 'hide' in plain sight.


Additional locations as the crow flies:


Evesham Hotel (Spearhead from Space): 2.56 miles.


Wheelbarrow Castle Cottage (Spearhead from Space): 5.05 miles.


Ragley Hall (The Girl in the Fireplace): 6.42 miles.


Winchcombe (GWR) (): 10.61 miles.


Tank Quarry (The Krotons): 15.52 miles.


West of England Quarry (The Krotons): 15.64 miles.

Filming Reports:


6 May 1974: Album - Film photos from taken by Vic Godrich (OB Sound)

Production Notes:


As well as around the Hall, the production filmed in other parts of the then Wood Norton Estate owned by the BBC. The BBC sections are private and aren't visible from the Hall grounds. Also, many of the old structures such as a building alongside the back the of the Hall and the old huts have since been demolished.

In the News:


31 Oct 2010: Independent - "The BBC bunker they don't want you to know about" (Article on the history of the site)

Notable photos/media relating to the location:


Take a virtual tour of the hotel via Google Maps

View Larger Version on Google Maps

Further links about the location:


The BBC Story - Details on the BBC's association with Wood Norton


Subterranea Britannica - Details on the nuclear bunker on the Wood Norton Estate


Wood Norton Hall - Official site for the conference centre.

Related Stories


Spearhead from Space [8-17,20-22,24-27,30 Oct 1969]


Robot [28-30 Apr, 1,2,5,6 May 1974]

Information, downloads, photographs and other media are provided for reference and for personal use only (planning visits etc.) - they remain the copyright of their respective authors and may not be duplicated on any other website or media without prior permission.

All screen captures are the copyright of the BBC and appear here as reference to illustrate the location in comparison with how it looked at the time of filming and the present day; no attempt is made to supercede this or any other copyright.

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