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1 Aug 2007: Filming at for
Brian Damage: Having been stood around outside for longer than I ought, I'd say there's almost
no need for artificial snow tonight - it's cold enough for the real thing !
(It's alright for the crew - they've got vats of hot coffee and big puffa jackets to wear. What about the rest of us ? Do they spare a thought for the fans ? Pah ! No chance! Grumble, grumble...)
Sadly no sign of the minogue-ster, though I think the crew were waving to her across the bay in the St. Davids Hotel at one point. Maybe they were saying "Get your coat on, we'll be filming your bit next !" If they were, I'll be kicking myself on Christmas Day because I had a need to get home, drink something medicinal and get warm, and will have missed it.
Slightly bizarrely, I saw there was a big red "Routemaster" on location.
It didn't feature in anything that I saw being filmed but after the Titanic inci
dent, maybe we're going to see a London Bus smash through the side of the Tardis
. Season 4, Episode 1: "Voyage on the damned London public transport system" ? I
t's a thought anyway - and arguably better than some previous episode plots I could mention...

Taken: 1 Aug 2007
By: Brian Damage

Taken: 1 Aug 2007
By: Brian Damage

Taken: 1 Aug 2007
By: Brian Damage

Taken: 1 Aug 2007
By: Brian Damage

Taken: 1 Aug 2007
By: Brian Damage 

Taken: 1 Aug 2007
By: Brian Damage 
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