Grim's Dyke Hotel
Old Redding, Harrow Weald, Middlesex, HA3 6SH
The Grim's Dyke estate was an area of some 100 acres purchased by the painter Frederick Goodall in 1856. The house was built in 1870, and was designed by the architect Norman Shaw. In 1890 the house was bought by William Gilbert (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame), who lived there until his death in 1911. His wife remained there until her own death in 1936, and the house passed through a number of owners and uses (including both backup site for Bletchley Park and a meeting place for Churchill and Roosevelt during WWII!), until it settled into a role as a hotel from 1970.
The building was extensively restored by its present owners in 1996, and over the course of the next few years many more aspects of the grounds are planned to be restored back to their former Gilbert glory.
How to get here:
Underground (Jubilee): Stanmore Station - From the station, catch the 142 bus to Bushey Heath, then cross over and catch the 258 to "Clamp Hill/The Hare" bus stop. From there, walk along Old Redding (at the traffic lights) to the Hotel. You could walk it (2.3 miles) by following Uxbridge Road west from the station, and then turn right into Clamp Hill at a small roundabout, and follow it to the traffic lights and across into Old Redding. +
Bus: Stanmore - The nearest bus route is the 258. From Stanmore Station you can catch the 142 to Bushey Heath, and then cross over to catch the 258 and get off at "Clamp Hill/The Hare" and then walk along Old Redding to the Hotel. +
Road: A41 - Leave the A41 at the roundabout with Elstree Road (A411), heading west towards Bushey. Turn left into Heathbourne Road, and then continue to follow this as it becomes Magpie Hall Road and then Common Road. At the traffic lights near "The Hare", turn right into Old Redding and the hotel will be on the right-hand side. +
hotel car park
This location is private and has no or limited access only. The house is a private hotel, but is open to the public on special open days. Or if you are staying there of course!
Access: open dayStatus: recognisableStairs
The Evil of the Daleks (3)
Filmed: 25 Apr 1967
Kemel confronts Jamie in the house.
The Evil of the Daleks (4)
Filmed: 25 Apr 1967
Kemel and Jamie fight on the stairs.
The Evil of the Daleks (4)
Filmed: 25 Apr 1967
A dalek patrols around the house.
Additional Notes:
The doorway is now the entrance to the ladies lavatory.
Access: open dayStatus: recognisableCorridor between Music Hall and Stairs
The Evil of the Daleks (3)
Filmed: 20 Apr 1967
Victoria is moved to a new location in Maxtible's house.
Access: open dayStatus: recognisableMusic Hall
The Evil of the Daleks (4)
Filmed: 25 Apr 1967
Kemel leads Jamie away from a trap, unaware that the Daleks are watching.
The Evil of the Daleks (4)
Filmed: 24 Apr 1967
Victoria is ordered to present herself for inspection on a balcony.
The Evil of the Daleks (4)
Filmed: 24 Apr 1967
A Dalek watches her from below.
Access: publicStatus: uncertainField by Stables
The Evil of the Daleks (1)
Filmed: 20 Apr 1967
Kennedy talks to Hall.
Additional Notes:
Having decided on the use of Grim's Dyke House to represent Maxtible's Canterbury home, production assistant Timothy Combe also needed to find a suitable spot to film the shots of Kennedy sitting on a fence, speaking into his walkie-talkie for episode one. While recceing the house, Combe had noticed a suitable field backing onto the stables at the rear of the building. During the day Combe established that the field belonged to Eric Massey, himself a film cameraman. A deal was struck and Massey was paid a half-day's facility fee for the use of his property. (src :"On Location" © Richard Bignell)
Access: open dayStatus: recognisablePublicity Photo
The Evil of the Daleks
Publicity shot of Victoria in the gardens of the house.
Other nearby locations:
BBC Elstree (Dimensions in Time). Road (5.4 miles, 23m) : Turn left out of the hotel onto Old Redding, and at the traffic lights turn
left onto the Common Road (A409). Continue through Bushey Heath, and then
at the end turn right onto Elstree Road (A411), signposted Barnet/Elstree.
Carry along here past the M1
and A41, and then when you reach Elstree turn left onto the A5183 (signposted Radlett), and then
right onto the B5378 (signposted Borehamwood). Continue on past the railway, and Clarendon Road
will be on the left-hand side. unknown
Additional locations as the crow flies:
Rickmansworth Road (A412) (The Hand of Fear): 3.74 miles.
Park Wood (The Mark of the Rani): 3.99 miles.
David Lloyd Centre (creche) (Survival): 4.62 miles.
Engineer's Way (The Dalek Invasion of Earth): 5.35 miles.
Horsenden Hill (Survival): 5.35 miles.
Other show-related mentions for the location:
Watford Observer - Article on Loose Cannon reconstruction filming at the Hotel on 15th April
Related Stories
The Evil of the Daleks [20,24-25 Apr 1967]: Professor Maxtible's home
Information, downloads, photographs and other media are provided for reference and for personal use only (planning visits etc.) - they remain the copyright of their respective authors and may not be duplicated on any other website or media without prior permission.
All screen captures are the copyright of the BBC and appear here as reference to illustrate the location in comparison with how it looked at the time of filming and the present day; no attempt is made to supercede this or any other copyright.
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